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Von uns gehaltene Präsentationen!

Seit seinem Eintritt in die Universität hat es das Team geschafft, mehrere Präsentationen zu verschiedenen Themen zu organisieren und zu planen. Die folgende Liste zeigt abgeschlossene und bevorstehende Präsentationen:Session "Urbanites Without Footprints" at the City Science Summit "Cities Without", HafenCity University Hamburg, City Science Lab in cooperation with MIT Media Lab, Hamburg, October 2019.

    • "Climate and Trade - An Overview", Diálogos Futuro Sustentável - Climate and Free Trade, Rio de Janeiro, November 2019.
    •  "International Trade and the Environmental Rule of Law - The influence of NAFTA and EU-Mercosur on the development and implementation of environmental law", The Environmental Rule of Law, Fórum de Democracia Europa - Brasil, Senate, Brasilia, November 2019.
    • Experteninterview "Umwelt- und Klimaschutz im Welthandelssystem", Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderung (WBGU), Berlin, January 2020
    • "Urbane Materialflüsse verstehen - Herausforderungen und kommunale Handlungsoptionen", 9. Kongress Energieautonome Kommunen, Freiburg, February 2020.
    •  Guest lecture on the Urban Footprints research project at the course "Sustainable Cities", lead by Dr. Sabine Sané at University College Freiburg, November 2020.
    • Upcoming (November 19, 2020): Brief keynote on "What role can science play in environmental decision making?”, Night of Science.
    • Upcoming (November 26, 2020): Key note speech on urban climate action planning at roundtable on the release of the new Sao Paulo Climate Action Plan (vitual), organized by the Global Cities Groups of the University of Sao Paulo in cooperation with the Klimapolis project.