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ESPC 4 – European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference presentation: "Cities revisited"


“Cities revisited: Out-of-the-box governance of phosphorus flows in Food” is the title of a presentation held by Lisa Harseim at the European Sustainable Phosphorus conference. After a 2-year delay due to COVID-19, the biannual flagship-conference of the European Phosphorus research and industry field was able to take place again in June, 2022, hosted by the city of Vienna, Austria, and the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform.

Intended to be a scientific poster, the topic of Lisa Harseim has been selected to be turned into an oral presentation instead. She used this opportunity to deliver a message on the potential of strategic urban phosphorus planning: instruments and tools are available – and can have a major impact – to not only reduce eutrophication but also to increase resource independency and decrease the risks to urban food security. What could help, is to think “outside the box” and consider a wider problem framing considering eutrophication, resource scarcity and environmental justice. As an overture to future ESPCs, she also presented first results of her PhD work on modelling urban phosphorus flows and will continue to report on her findings.

Source of the tile image: own image of Lisa Harseim.