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Lecture: “Upwind for agroforestry systems? - Current developments, opportunities and obstacles in European and German law”


The lecture series “Das Recht der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen (RNR)” (“Law on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources”) is organised by the Chair of Public Law and Law of Rural Areas at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lucerne. It aims "to provide an overall view of the mostly sectorally considered legal matters dealing with the protection and use of the natural resources of cultivated land, forests, water and natural areas (fauna and flora). The balancing of the divergent interests involved is ultimately not merely an interesting legal issue, but a fundamental turning point for the future shaping of human life and survival" (translated from University of Lucerne, 2022).

In the second lecture in the series, on November 17th,  Jun.-Prof. dr Cathrin Zengerling, LL.M. and Marina Klimke, M. Sc. gave a presentation with the topic «Upwind for agroforestry systems? - Current developments, opportunities and obstacles in European and German law»:

"Agroforestry systems are considered a sustainable land use option for the pressing problems of agriculture in Europe and Germany. However, the legal framework is currently a key hurdle for the establishment of agroforestry systems. Recent changes to agroforestry systems have come about, particularly through the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. Does the new legal framework do justice to the potential of agroforestry systems? After an overview of agroforestry systems and current instruments from European and German regulatory and funding law, the lecture looked at the opportunities and obstacles of the legal framework and discussed possible solutions" (translated from University of Lucerne, 2022).


More information at this link. Presentation available here (in German).


Source for the text:

University of Lucerne. (2022). Aufwind für Agroforstsysteme? - Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Chancen und Hemmnisse im europäischen und deutschen RechtAvailable here.

Source of the tile photo: available here.